This is a collection of bedtime stories, written and told by me to my little girl.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Sleepy Rolly Polly Story

One uponce a time there was a cute little rolly polly named Arrollar. He
was a big boy now and he didn't need to take a nap. Taking a nap was for
baby polly's. Instead of taking a nap like he usually did he went outside
to play. He rolled around with the other rolly polly's. They played tag and
ball. Then they played a game of hide and go seek. While Arrollar was
playing hide and go seek he found a super good hiding spot. He was sure
that no one would find him. He crawled into a little hole and waited.

While he was waiting he started getting sleepy. It was because he hadn't
taken his nap. He thought that he would close his eyes for just a second.
As soon as his eyes shut he was asleep.

The other rolly polly's looked and looked but they couldn't find Arrollar
anywhere. They were afraid that something bad might have happened to him.
They all went searching for him.

While they were all gone Arrollar finally woke up. He didn't know how
long he had been asleep but it didn't feel like a long time. He crawled out
of his hiding place only to find that he was all alone. All of the other
rolly polly's were gone. He looked around but he couldn't find them
anywhere. Arrollar started to get scared. He was also worried that
something bad might have happened to all of the other polly's. Arrollar
decided to go looking for the others.

Just as he was about to leave he heard something. It was getting closer
and closer. It was all of the other polly's that had been out looking for
him. They were all happy to finally find Arrollar. He was happy to find
them too. Arrollar decided that if he was sleepy then he was going to go
home and take a nap from now on.

Told on Nov. 21, 2010

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