This is a collection of bedtime stories, written and told by me to my little girl.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Dr. Story

There once was a doctor named New. He took care of all the little boys and
girls. He would look at them when they were sick and give them medicine to
help them get better.

One day there was a little girl named Hannah that needed to go see Dr. New.
She didn't know what to expect so she was a little scared. Her Mommy and
daddy told her that it was going to be okay. She was still scared though.

There were a lot of children waiting to see the doctor. Some of them looked
sick, some of them looked fine. Her Mommy told her that you can't always
tell if someone is sick by looking at them.

The nurse came into the waiting room and called for Hannah to come back. It
was time for her to see the doctor. Her Mommy and daddy went with her. They
went into another room to wait a little longer. Hannah was still worried
about seeing Dr. New.

Then the door opened and in came Dr. New. He was really tall, like a
basketball player. He sat down and started talking to Hannah. He asked her
some questions about her favorite food and what kind of games she liked to
play. He looked in her ears. He looked in her mouth. He looked at her eyes.
He picked her up and spun her around. He tickled her tummy. Then he gave
them a prescription for some medicine and said good-by.

Hannah was done. She had been scared for nothing. The doctor visit was over
and Hannah wasn't scared of the doctor any more.

Her daddy said that the most painful part of the doctor visit was the bill,
but that was just silly. Paying a bill doesn't hurt.

Told on Nov. 1, 2010

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