This is a collection of bedtime stories, written and told by me to my little girl.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The New Dr. Story

Dr. New was busy. He was helping people that were sick get better. He
always had time for his favorite little patient though. Hannah had gone to
see Dr. New and it was a fun trip. She wasn't scared of the doctor any
more. Now she was back but she had brought her cat Snuffles with
her.Snuffles had been moaning all day and Hannah was worried about her. Dr.
New came in to see Hannah. She asked if he could make het cat feel better.
Dr. New wasn't a veterinarian. A veterinarian is a doctor that sees animals
instead of people. Little Hannah's face looked so worried that Dr. New
decided to at least look at Snuffles and see what might be wrong. She told
Dr. New that Snuffles had been moaning all day like she was in pain. The
doctor felt around on Snuffles tummy. Sure enough she started moaning just
like Hannah had said. Dr. New told Hannah that Snuffles was pregnant and
was about to have kittens. Hannah was excited. Just then Snuffles let out a
loud meow and out came a little kitten. Then she did it again and another
kitten emerged. By the time Snuffles was done she had given birth to five
little kittens. Hannah thanked Dr. New and then hurried home to show her
Mommy and daddy. Hannah had gone to the doctor with a sick cat, she
thought, and had come home with a happy cat and five healthy kittens. What
a wonderful visit to the doctor.
Told on Nov. 2, 2010

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