This is a collection of bedtime stories, written and told by me to my little girl.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Mad Monster Story

Zodiac was a very mad monster. He opened his mouth big and roared as loud
as he could. Someone had taken his blue toy truck and he wanted it back
right now. He didn't know who it was but he had a good idea.

He stormed up to his brother Rinker and said, "You took my blue truck and I
want it back right now" then he roared again.

Rinker just laughed and said, "I don't have your blue truck. See, all I
have is my red truck".

Zodiac was now madder then before. He started kicking things and yelling as
loud as he could.

All of the commotion drew the attention of Mommy monster. She came into the
room and saw little Zodiac destroying the place. She calmly went over to
Zodiac and asked him what was wrong.

He tried to tell his Mommy that he couldn't find his blue truck. He was so
mad that it all came out in growls and snarls though.

Mommy monster said, "I can't understand anything that you are saying. You
need to go sit in time out until you can calm down."

This made Zodiac even madder then before. He went to the corner and sat
down as hard as he could. He held his breath until his face turned red. He
growled and grumbled some more. Not loud enough for Mommy to hear though.
He was mad and he wasn't going to get unmad any time soon. So he sat, and
he sat, and he sat. While he sat there he thought about what had happened.
He wanted his blue truck but he knew that he shouldn't have acted like he
did. He might have overreacted just a little. As he sat there he began to
calm down. He didn't know how long he had sat there but he was sure it was
about three years. He was now calm and could talk without growling.

Mommy monster came back and asked, "Are you ready to talk to me"?

Zodiac nodded his head yes. He was a little ashamed of how he had acted. He
told his Mommy that someone had taken his blue truck. Mommy said, "First I
think that you need to go tell your brother that you're sorry".

Zodiac went over to Rinker and said, "You're sorry". He turned and looked
at Mommy. She was not amused. He turned back to Rinker and corrected, "I
mean I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that."

Then Zodiac turned and walked back to his Mommy. She said, "Now that you
are calm I will help you look for it". Where was the last place that you
saw it"?

Zodiac thought and said, "In my bed". They walked over there together.
There it was, safe and sound in his bed. Zodiac told his Mommy that he was
sorry and gave her a kiss. Zodiac was going to try to control his temper
from now on.

Told on Nov. 5, 2010

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