This is a collection of bedtime stories, written and told by me to my little girl.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Leopard The Cat And The Monkey Story

One uponce a time there were three animals that lived together. There was a
leopard and she was the biggest. Next there was a black cat and she was
little bitty. Finally there was a monkey. The leopard and the cat couldn't
understand anything that the monkey said, but he was cute so they didn't
One night when the moon was full and the air was cool the three animals
were hungry. Even the leopard was hungry and she didn't eat very often. The
monkey was always hungry. He ate all the time.
They decided to go out and find some food. They didn't know where to look
so they went to the neighbors house. They rang the doorbell. When he
answered the door they asked "Do you know where we can get some food"?
He said "Hold on just one second" and walked back into his house. When he
returned he handed each of the three animals a bag with two pieces of candy
in it.
They thanked him and then each gobbled one of the pieces of candy up. They
left one in their bags.
Then they went to the next house and the same thing happened. They kept
doing this until it was really late. By the end of the night they all had a
bag full of candy, and their tummy's were full too. They went back home and
had enough candy to last for the rest of the year.

Told on Oct. 31, 2010

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