This is a collection of bedtime stories, written and told by me to my little girl.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Creature Sisters Take Turns

Inside the clubhouse the two creature sisters sat. They could change into
any animal that they wanted. The only problem was they couldn't decide what
animal. The older sister Starble wanted to be a tiger. The little sister
Swayla wanted to be a puppy. They couldn't decide what animal to pick. So
they just sat there, neither one of them wanting to be what the other one
picked. They were both very hard headed and stubborn. The creature sisters
just sat there staring at each other. They had already wasted all morning.

Then Starble had an idea. They could both be tigers for a little while.
Then they could both be puppies. Swayla liked the idea. So they took turns.
First they played as tigers, then they played as puppies. Whenever they got
tired of what they were playing one of them would pick something new to
play. They took turns. They both got to do what they wanted and they got to
play together. They realized that taking turns was the best way to play.

Told on Nov. 30, 2010

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