This is a collection of bedtime stories, written and told by me to my little girl.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Rolly Polly Story

There once was a rolly polly named Moly. Moly would run as fast as he could and then role into a ball and it was a lot of fun. He liked rolling and playing with his friends.

One day Moly decided to climb a very big hill. He wanted to roll down the hill. All of the other rolly pollys said "come play with us Moly". He told them he would play with them later. All that he wanted to do right now was climb that big hill so he could roll down it. He started climbing. As he was climbing he could hear all of the other roly polys laughing and playing. It sounded like a lot of fun. He thought "maybe I should just go play with the other rolly pollys". Then he decided to finish what he had started. He finally made it to the top of the hill. It was a long walk. He was up pretty high and it was kind of scary. He held his breath, closed his eyes, and rolled. He rolled so fast. It was the fastest he had ever rolled. He rolled all the way over to where the other rolly pollys were playing. They all stopped to watch Moly. He was laughing so hard.

Then he said "I'm ready to play with you now", to all the other rolly pollys.

"We want to roll down the hill with you Milt" they all said.

So all the rolly pollys rolled down the hill together. It was the most fun they had ever had.

Told on Sep. 18, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Lion Story

One day there was a lion. He lived in the woods. He lived all alone. So he decided that he was going to find some friends. He walked into the forest. As he was walking he saw some birds. He asked "can we be friends"?

The bird said "can you fly?"

He said "no!".

"Then we can't be frienss" the bird said.

That made him sad, so he kept walking. Then he came to a pond. There were fish in the pond. The lion asked the fish, "can we be friends?"

The fish said "can you swim?"

"No, I can't swim" said the lion.

"Then we can't be friends" said the fish.

That made the lion even sadder. He walked deeper into the forest. He was very sad that he didn't have any friends. Then he came across another lion. He asked "can we be friends?"

The other lion asked "can you roar?"

"I sure can" and he let out his biggest roar "ROAR"

The other lion asked "can you run fast?"

He replied "yes! Watch me". Then he ran and ran. He was very fast.

So the new lion said "sure we can be friends".

He was so happy that he had found a someone like him. He was also very happy that he now had a friend to roar and run and play with.

Told on Sep. 17, 2010