any wings. Instead of wings all he had were little stumps. He could wiggle
and move his stumps, but they were no good for flying. Chirp Chirp lived
his entire chickhood like this. He watched all of the other birds fly and
admired their abilities. He dreamed of being able to fly like other birds.
One day while Chirp Chirp was hopping around on the ground he saw an
eagle soar overhead. The eagle was beautiful and graceful. Chirp Chirp
watched in amazement. The eagle glided with ease, he made it look so
effortless. When the eagle flapped his huge powerful wings a single feather
fluttered towards the ground. Chirp Chirp watched the feather on its
journey down. The feather landed not too far from where Chirp Chirp was
standing. He decided to go take a look at the feather. He hopped over to
the feather and looked at how pretty the single feather was.
Then Chirp Chirp had an idea. He thought that if he could find enough
feathers then he might be able to make a pair of wings for himself. He
started searching around for any fallen feathers that he could find. In no
time he had enough feathers to start his project. He gathered some twigs
and set to work making a pair of wings. He tirelessly worked weaving with
his beak until his wings were complete. He made them so that they would fit
over his stumps like a glove, nice and tight. He slipped them on and
flapped his stumps. His feet came off the ground slightly then he landed
back with a thud. He didn't give up. He tried again but took a running
start this time. He ran, he flapped, and off he flew into the air to join
the rest of his kind. It took some time for him to get use to his new
wings. He kept trying until he was as comfortable in the sky as he was on
the ground.
Just because Chirp Chirp was born a little different it didn't stop him
from flying as high as his dreams could take him.
Told on Jan. 4, 2011
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