This is a collection of bedtime stories, written and told by me to my little girl.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Animals Alike

There once was a puppy that swam like a guppy
There once was a guppy that barked like a puppy

There once was a cat that was blind like a bat
There once was a bat that purred like a cat

There once was a dog that hopped like a frog
There once was a frog that chased cats like a dog

There once was a lark that had teeth like a shark
There once was a shark that ate worms like a lark

There once was a hare that was fast as a mare
There once was a mare that hopped like a hare

There once was a fox that worked like an ox
There once was an ox that was sly like a fox

There once was a doe that cackled like a crow
There once was a crow that frightened like a doe

Told on Jan. 9, 2011

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