This is a collection of bedtime stories, written and told by me to my little girl.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Summer Day

There once was a little girl named Summer Day. All that she wanted was to
be able to go outside and play. The only problem was that it was cold and
wintery outside. She couldn't go play when it was so chilly, she might get
sick. So Summer waited. She sat by her bedroom window and watched as the
winter slowly passed by. Finally she couldn't stand being cooped up in her
house any longer. She didn't care how cold it was she was going outside to
play. She put her coat and hat on and out the door she ran. She ran and
jumped and played all day long. While she was outside it actually started
getting warmer. By mid-day there was no longer a chill in the air. Summer
was so happy to be outside that she played until she fell asleep outside in
the yard. Her mother and father carried her to her bed. They knew that now
that it was nice outside that Summer was going to be outside every day.
While Summer slept that night she dreamed about all the fun she was going
to have over the next few months. Playing outside was her favorite thing to
do. She was so happy that now she could play, at least until winter came

Told on Jan. 24, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Do Clams Do For Fun?

What do clams
do for fun?
They don't play ball,
they can not run.

They don't like
watching cartoons.
They don't play with toys
in their bedrooms.

They don't go
outside to play.
They live outside
every single day.

They don't color,
paint, or draw.
They do none of
those things at all.

They don't read books,
they can not see.
They have no eyes
like you and me.

They don't have feet,
they don't have hands.
It must be tough
to just be clams.

So what exactly
do they do?
They're so different
from me and you.

I really don't know
what clams do.
Except talk about
what we do too.

Told on Jan. 22, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Puppy Gets A Splinter

It was the first sunny day since winter and puppy couldn't wait to go
outside and play. Right after breakfast he rushed out the door to go play
in the woods. Puppy loved to play in the woods by his house. Whenever it
was nice outside that's where he was at. He ran into the woods stirring up
the woodland critters as he ran past them. A few birds took to the sky as
puppy trampled through the underbrush. Puppy spotted a lizard scurrying
along a fallen tree trunk. He decided to chase the lizard. Puppy jumped up
onto the tree trunk and raced towards the lizard. Puppy was so busy
watching the lizard that he didn't see the small broken limb in his path.
Puppy stepped on the limb and started crying immediately. A small splinter
from the limb stuck into the bottom of puppy's paw. It hurt so bad and
puppy didn't know what to do. He climbed down from the tree very carefully
so he didn't use his hurt paw. Then he hopped home with his injured paw
raised up in the air. It took a long time to hop all the way home. Once
puppy was home mommy puppy came to find out why puppy was crying. Puppy
told her about the lizard and what had happened. She took a look at his
paw. Then she reached down very carefully and pulled the splinter from his
paw. Mommy puppy made puppy's paw feel a lot better. He was very lucky to
have a mommy puppy with such great splinter extraction skills. After that
puppy tried to pay better attention to his surroundings. He couldn't wait
until tomorrow so he could go outside and play again.

Told on Jan. 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Cranky Spider

It was past nap time and Baby Spider was very cranky. Nothing would make
him happy. He didn't want a drink. He didn't want food. He needed a nap,
but he didn't want to sleep either.

Mommy and Daddy Spider didn't know what to do. They tried rocking him, he
just cried. They tried bouncing him, he just cried even louder. They tried
laying him in his web but that didn't help at all. He climbed right out of
his web and cried for somebugy to pick him up. Daddy Spider picked him up.
Baby Spider cried and reached for Mommy Spider. She took Baby Spider from
Daddy Spider but it didn't help. Baby Spider cried ever louder then before.
Then Mommy Spider saw what the problem was. When Baby Spider was crying
with his mouth wide open Mommy Spider could see that Baby Spider was
cutting a tooth. His gums were red and looked sore. Mommy Spider went and
got a frozen bug from the refrigerator and placed it into Baby Spider's
mouth. He stopped crying and reached up to see what it was. He pulled the
frozen bug out and looked at it for a second. Then he placed it back into
his mouth. The cold bug on his sore gums felt good. It numbed it enough
that he could finally take his overdue nap. When Baby Spider woke up from
his nap he was in a lot better mood. Mommy Spider looked into Baby Spider's
mouth and saw a new little bitty fang. Baby Spider had gotten his very
first tooth. Everybugy was very happy for Baby Spider. They were also happy
that he had stopped crying.

Told on Jan. 17, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Frogs On Ice

It was a cold wintery morning and the pond was frozen over. The only sign
of life was resting atop the exposed lily pads. There sat two frogs trying
to decide what to do. They were upset because the cold weather had ruined
their plans.

"Well, we can't go fishing," Hoppsy said to Croaker. Hoppsy was a very
pretty frog. She had light green spots and long eyelashes.

Croaker responded after a long silence, "I would suggest swimming, but
the pond is frozen solid." Croaker was more brown then green. He had strong
jumping legs and they helped him swim fast too. Croaker stepped from his
lily pad to the surface of the pond. He was showing Hoppsy that they
wouldn't be able to swim. The ice was cold and slippery and Croaker slid
away from the lily pad patch. Hoppsy stepped off her lily pad to join
Croaker, spinning as she slid.She spun and slid and laughed as she went.

Croaker started laughing too. Hoppsy slid right into Croaker knocking
them both to the ice. They both started laughing even louder. They decided
to spend the rest of the day playing on the frozen pond. They slipped and
slid and spun out of control. It was the most fun they had in a long time.

Told on Jan. 10, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Animals Alike

There once was a puppy that swam like a guppy
There once was a guppy that barked like a puppy

There once was a cat that was blind like a bat
There once was a bat that purred like a cat

There once was a dog that hopped like a frog
There once was a frog that chased cats like a dog

There once was a lark that had teeth like a shark
There once was a shark that ate worms like a lark

There once was a hare that was fast as a mare
There once was a mare that hopped like a hare

There once was a fox that worked like an ox
There once was an ox that was sly like a fox

There once was a doe that cackled like a crow
There once was a crow that frightened like a doe

Told on Jan. 9, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Oxford The Furry Alligator

Everyone knows that alligators have rough tough skin. Everyone is wrong.

When Oxford hatched he was covered from snout to tail in a soft light
green fur. He was the cutest little alligator around. All of the other
alligators thought it was strange but they loved Oxford regardless. One day
a zoologist came to the swamp and asked Oxford if he wanted to travel
around the world. Oxford agreed because he had always wanted to travel to
new places. He packed his things, a single brush, and headed out into the
world. He traveled from zoo to zoo appearing as a special guest. He became
famous over night. All over the world people wanted to see the furry
alligator. Oxford enjoyed the attention for a while but he also missed his
family and friends. One day he decided to give up his fame and go back to
his swamp. What Oxford didn't know was once you're famous you can't just
give it up. The paparazzi followed him home and wouldn't let him relax with
his family for a second. All that he wanted was his old life back, but his
fans wouldn't let that happen. Oxford called a huge press conference and
invited every news channel that there was. They all gathered anxiously
awaiting another peak at the furry alligator. When Oxford emerged he was as
bald as a baby's bottom. He had shaved off all of his beautiful fur. The
news casters were shocked. The nation was shocked. Oxford told them that
now he was the same as every other alligator. The world was sad but they
soon forgot about Oxford the furry alligator. He eventually grew his fur
back out once he was no longer of anyone's interest. Then he was able to go
back to being himself. Never again did he dream of being famous. Through
the entire experience Oxford learned that it wasn't his fur that made him
who he was, it was his alligatorness that defined him.

Told no Jan. 8, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Rocket The Rooster

It was morning time on the farm. Rocket the rooster sounded the alarm to
let everyone know it was time to wake up. Just like clockwork out of the
Chick-Inn-House popped the little heads of the chicklets.

They immediately started in with their chirping about the day. "So, what
are we going to do today," they asked each other. One suggested "lets go
down by the pond."
"Yes, yes, yes," they all agreed simultaneously in their typical chicklet
One of the other chicklets said, "First lets dig for grubs," while she
pecked the ground.
"Yes, yes, yes," they all agreed again.
"Before that," another chicklet interrupted, "we should go make sure the
rest of the animals are awake."
"Yes, yes, yes," they all replied and hurried off toward the bard.

Rocket just sat on the fence watching the little chicks try to decide
what they wanted to do first. He watched them make their way over to the
barn. They stopped to talk three times and changed directions twice before
they eventually made it to their original destination. Rocket decided that
he needed to think of something to keep the chicklets occupied so they
weren't bothering the other animals all day. After a few minutes the
chicklets exited the barn and made their way back over to the fence that
Rocket was still perched atop. Rocket said to the chicklets, "I really
could use your help. Do you think that any of you have time to help me?"

"Yes, yes, yes, we can help you Rocket," they all chirped in at once.

Rocket continued, "could you all sneak up to the farm house? Be very
quiet and listen outside the kitchen window. Then come back and tell me
what the farmer is planning for supper tonight."

The chicklets happily hobbled off toward their newest destination. Rocket
thought to himself, "That should keep them quiet and out of everyone's hair
for a while. Just like Rocket had planned, it was a nice and quiet day.

It wasn't until early evening that the chicklets returned from their
detective mission. They excitedly went over to Rocket to tell their
findings. "The farmer and his wife are having pie for supper," they all
told at once.

Rocket thought that was a strange meal to have for supper but he hardly
cared. He was just grateful for the quiet day.

Then the chicklets said, "You haven't heard the best part yet." The
chicklets could hardly contain their excitement. They continued, "The
farmer told his wife that Rocket the rooster was going to be their special
guest tonight. You get to have supper with the farmers," the chicklets said
with so much enthusiasm that they were all jumping up and down.

The look on Rocket's face was priceless.

Told on Jan. 7, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Mouse Story

On a cold city night there was a squeaky little mouse named Chillón
Ratón. Like most mice she loved cheese. Yellow cheese, white cheese, smelly
cheese, cheese with holes in it, it didn't matter to her. She loved it all.
One night while Chillón Ratón was walking down a street she smelled some
cheese coming from the other end of a dark alley. The alley was between a
restaurant and a deli. She knew that it wasn't safe to go down a dark alley
all alone. She tried to ignore the smell of the cheese but it was too
strong and it lured her in. She slipped into the shadows and made her way
towards the smell. She scurried along as quickly and as quietly as she
could. She followed the yummy scent of the cheese until the alley ended.
There, in the soft glow of a single flickering light was a round log of
cheese. Chillón Ratón glanced around quickly and then dashed out of her
shadowy protection and towards her delicious prize.
If she had taken her time surveying the area she would have noticed two
glowing eyes of a hungry alley cat watching her. The alley cat was Senor
Don Gato. This was not the first time Senor Don Gato had lured a mouse with
his cheese trick. Out came the little mouse with her eyes on the cheese.
Likewise, out came Senor Don Gato with his eyes on the mouse.
She had almost made it to the cheese when she noticed the large alley cat
racing towards her. Chillón Ratón quickly tried to change directions but
Senor Don Gato was a little faster. He cut off her escape and trapped her
in a corner. As Senor Don Gato was moving in for his meal Chillón Ratón
pleaded for her life. "My name is Chillón Ratón," she exclaimed. "I know
that you are hungry but trust me, you do not want to eat me."
Senor Don Gato kept creeping closer with every intention of making this
little mouse a quick meal. Out of politeness he responded to the mouse.
"Chillón Ratón," he addressed his prey, "I am Senor Don Gato the alley cat.
I am very hungry so I assure you that I do indeed want to eat you." His
smile widened as he took another step closer.
"No! No!," exclaimed Chillón Ratón, "what I meant was if you eat me you
will get your meal, but it will only be one meal. If you let me live I can
promise you as many meals as you want."
This did peak the interests of Senor Don Gato, but he was aware of the
trickeries of a fearful mouse with nothing to lose. He inquired, "Please do
tell of the limitless food that you speak of."
Chillón Ratón explained her plan. "Senor Don Gato, your alley is between
a restaurant and a deli. Both of those establishments loath mice. If you
let me go I will sneak into them, when the owners see me they will surely
be upset. That's when you come into the picture. You run in and snatch me
up in your mouth, ever so carefully," she added. "When the people see what
a great help you are to them they will reward you with scraps of food. What
I get for my role with this plan is one; I get to live, two; you give me a
portion of the scraps."
Senor Don Gato liked the sound of Chillón Ratón's plan. He decided that
even if it was a plan for her to escape it was worth the risk because of
the possible rewards. "Chillón Ratón," he addressed her, "I will take my
chances and trust you. Let us see what you can do," and he backed out of
the way allowing Chillón Ratón to pass by unharmed.
Chillón Ratón hurried over to the restaurant and made her way through a
small crack in the door. She scurried around inside the kitchen area until
someone noticed her. The person inside yelled springing Senor Don Gato into
action. He leapt through an open window and immediately spotted Chillon
Raton cornered again. Only this time instead of being trapped by an alley
cat she was now trapped by a frightened human with a broom. Senor Don Gato
raced across the floor scooping up the little mouse as gently as he could
in his mouth. Chillón Ratón fell limp as she lay hanging from the alley
cats mouth. The broom holder stopped yelling and went and opened the door
leading Senor Don Gato back out into his alley. He willingly exited laying
the still motionless mouse on the ground outside. The door stayed open
until the person returned with a bowl of food and a bowl of warm milk, just
like Chillón Raón had promised. The person patted Senor Don Gato on the
head and closed the door behind him.
As soon as the door clicked shut Chillón Ratón looked up at her new
partner and smiled. "Well, what do you think?" she asked the hungry cat.
"I think that you and I are going to be very good friends," Senor Don
Gato replied. The two sat together and ate their meal. It was the best meal
either of them had ever had. The next night it was the deli's turn and
things went just as planned again. Scurrying mouse, yelling person, heroic
cat, and a warm plate of food. From that day on the two of them were the
best of friends.
Told on Jan. 6, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pet Tails

There once was a kitty named Fluffy
She loved to purr and play
Balls of string, and cat like things
Is what Fluffy did all day

There once was a puppy named Tooter
He loved to dig and bark
Running around, the entire town
Is what Tooter did until dark

One day dear Fluffy met Tooter
And Tooter met Fluffy as well
A kitty and puppy, they were so lucky
To both be named after their tail

Told on Jan. 5, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chirp Chirp The Wingless Bird

There once was born a baby bird named Chirp Chirp. He was born without
any wings. Instead of wings all he had were little stumps. He could wiggle
and move his stumps, but they were no good for flying. Chirp Chirp lived
his entire chickhood like this. He watched all of the other birds fly and
admired their abilities. He dreamed of being able to fly like other birds.

One day while Chirp Chirp was hopping around on the ground he saw an
eagle soar overhead. The eagle was beautiful and graceful. Chirp Chirp
watched in amazement. The eagle glided with ease, he made it look so
effortless. When the eagle flapped his huge powerful wings a single feather
fluttered towards the ground. Chirp Chirp watched the feather on its
journey down. The feather landed not too far from where Chirp Chirp was
standing. He decided to go take a look at the feather. He hopped over to
the feather and looked at how pretty the single feather was.

Then Chirp Chirp had an idea. He thought that if he could find enough
feathers then he might be able to make a pair of wings for himself. He
started searching around for any fallen feathers that he could find. In no
time he had enough feathers to start his project. He gathered some twigs
and set to work making a pair of wings. He tirelessly worked weaving with
his beak until his wings were complete. He made them so that they would fit
over his stumps like a glove, nice and tight. He slipped them on and
flapped his stumps. His feet came off the ground slightly then he landed
back with a thud. He didn't give up. He tried again but took a running
start this time. He ran, he flapped, and off he flew into the air to join
the rest of his kind. It took some time for him to get use to his new
wings. He kept trying until he was as comfortable in the sky as he was on
the ground.

Just because Chirp Chirp was born a little different it didn't stop him
from flying as high as his dreams could take him.

Told on Jan. 4, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Zoomy Cow

There once was a zoomy cow. He didn't have any legs, instead he had big
blue wheels. He used them to race to and fro, this way and that. He raced
everywhere he went. He would race around the barn. He was super fast. He
would zoom zoom zoom all over there place. None of the other farm animals
could keep up with him because he was a zoomy cow. Zoomy cow's are the
fastest cows on the planet.

One day he noticed that one of his wheels was bent. He didn't know how it
had happened. He didn't remember hurting his wheel but it was surly bent.
His wheel wouldn't zoom very fast at all.This made zoomy cow very sad. All
of the other farm animals could tell that zoomy cow was sad. They wanted to
make him happy again. They decided to have a big race. When zoomy cow won
the race it was sure to make him happy again, the farm animals thought.

They told zoomy cow about the race. Even though his wheel was hurt they
talked him into racing with them. The rooster crowed and the animals took
off. Zoomy cow tried to keep up but his wheel started hurting worse and he
had to slow down. The other farm animals noticed that zoomy cow had slowed
down so they all slowed down too.

When zoomy cow caught up with the rest of the farm animals he asked them
why they had all slowed down. They told him that they wanted him to win the
race so that he would feel better about himself.

Knowing that the other farm animals wanted zoomy cow to be happy made him
feel a lot better. He told them that he didn't want to win the race. He
wanted for all of them to cross the finish line together. They all held
hands and crossed the finish line at the same time. Everyone was happy,
including zoomy cow. It was a good day for zoomy cow and all of his farm
animal friends.

No zoomy cows were harmed in the writing of this story.

Told on Jan. 3, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Don't Like Tickles

I don't like tickles, no I do not.
I wish the tickle monster would stop.

I don't like tickles, they are no fun.
When I see the tickle monster I run.

I don't like tickles, they make me sad.
So stop your tickles dear old dad.

I don't like tickles,not one bit.
If I get tickled I throw a fit.

I don't like tickles,how about you?
Do you dislike tickles too?

I don't like tickles,but I like to tickle others.
We should tickle our sisters and our brothers.

I don't like tickles, but they like me.
I wish I wasn't so tickley.

I don't think I like tickles, I'll try just one.
Getting tickled is so much fun.

I do like tickles, I changed my mind.
I want to get tickled all the time.

Told on Jan. 2, 2011