This is a collection of bedtime stories, written and told by me to my little girl.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bart The What?

There once lived a little bug named Bart. He lived in a small hole in an
old tree. There were several other bugs that he was friends with. Martha
the moth lived right above him. Sammy the slug lived down below him. Then
there was Rollanda the rolly polly that lived in the hole beside him.

One day Bart started thinking about what kind of bug he was. He knew what
all of his friends were, but he had no idea what kind he was. He decided to
ask his bug friends if they knew what he was. He poked his head outside and
saw Martha the moth flying beside his door. He asked Martha, "Do you know
what kind of bug I am?"

Martha replied, "Well, you have a lot of legs. You are probably a centipede
or something."

That sounded good to Bart. He still wanted to know what his other friends

Next he ran into Sammy the slug. He asked Sammy, "Do you know what kind of
bug I am?"

Sammy replied, "Well, you have a hard shell. You are probably a snail."

That made since too. Now Bart was confused. Martha thought he was a
centipede and Sammy thought that he was a snail.

Bart decided to ask Rollanda the rolly polly. He went next door and asked,
"Do you know what kind of bug I am?"

Rollanda replied, "Well, you have little antennas. You are probably a

Bart didn't know what he was. He thought about what all of his friends had
said. Was he a centipede, or a snail, or a cricket? He had no idea. He
finally came to the conclusion that he was fine just being Bart the bug.

Told on Dec. 21, 2010

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